Projects and initiatives submission notice



Versione italiana

1. Foreword

March 25, 421 is commonly recognized as the date on which the City of Venice was founded, as written in the manuscript of the Chronicon Altinate and, in more recent times, by Marin Sanudo who, describing the great Rialto fire of 1514 in his Diaries, writes: “Solum restò in piedi la chiexia di San Giacomo di Rialto, la qual fu la prima chiexia edificata in Venetia dil 421 a dì 25 Marzo, come in le nostre croniche si leze.” (“Only the church of San Giacomo di Rialto, with its leaden roof, remained standing….For this was the first church built in Venice, begun on March 25, 421, as may be read in our chronicles”).

This year, 2021, marks the 1600th anniversary of the foundation of Venice and the City will be celebrating with an exciting program of events organized and promoted by the local authorities, institutions and associations, which includes exhibitions, museum and city tours, conferences and seminars.

The Municipality of Venice is promoting and coordinating projects related to the celebrations and intends to combine those promoted directly and those by local players with other projects submitted from other parts of Italy or from abroad.

To this end, any public and private subjects who have a historical link with the City of Venice and are interested in making a proposal to be included in the calendar of events, can submit their project. The proposal could become part of a single shared calendar which, over the period of a year or more, will be a tool for promoting initiatives and a communication platform to reach the broadest possible general public at an international level.

The Mayor of Venice has set up a Steering Committee composed of leading figures and representatives of public, academic, cultural, economic and social institutions with a view to involve in the project all subjects who are present in the metropolitan area and in the national territory.

A Scientific Committee has also been set up, again appointed by the Mayor of Venice, to examine the proposals submitted.

2. Applicants

Public bodies, public and private entities and associations recognized by their national or regional system, as well as individual citizens with general interests can submit their projects.

3. Subject of the proposal

The initiatives and projects can start and take place from March 25 2021 to March 25 2022. They will have to be characterized by having a historical and cultural link with Venice, in its perspective of a city of land and water.

The type of proposals may include both single commemorative events (by way of example: concerts, public readings, conferences, etc.) as well as actions with a longer duration (e.g. temporary exhibitions, town or country festivals and festivities, etc. ). They may take place in Italy as well as in other European and non-European countries provided the historical link with the City of Venice is clear.

Proposals may also be of an intangible/virtual nature (e.g. video performances, web campaigns, thematic webinars, etc.), again, provided that they highlight the link between the City of Venice and the area in which the applicant works and which it intends to enhance.

4. Procedure

Participation is free. Applicants must register by completing the online registration form in all its mandatory parts. This Notice will be open during the year of celebrations, and proposals may therefore be made throughout this period.

The form can be found on:
The proposal must be clear, concise, thorough and include mandatory information on:

  • the applicant
  • any partners involved
  • thematic area of reference
  • type of event and description
  • place and period of performance
  • budget and financing methods (the project must be self-supporting, possibly with sponsors)
  • promotion and communication tools (social media, web and press communication, etc.)

All proposals submitted will be viewed by the Technical Office and sifted through by the Scientific Committee, who will assess their feasibility and compliance with the objectives of the celebrations. The decision of the Scientific Committee is unquestionable and final, therefore, without recourse.

The submission of the participation project form and the files required by the online upload procedure imply full and tacit acceptance of the information and conditions referred to in this Notice by the applicant.

5. Commitments

The Municipality of Venice will promote the sifted initiatives through the communication channels currently being prepared, starting from the institutional pages of the website.

There will be no form of co-financing for the proposed events neither other kind of support; therefore applicants must clearly report on how they will be covering costs in the form referred to in art. 4

Should we consider the initiative to be of general public interest, then use of the "Venezia 1600 anni" logo will be granted. However, it is to be understood that this does not substitute any authorization, concession or report that the applicant is required to obtain for the activity to take place.

Use of the "Venezia 1600 anni" logo will not incur any obligation on the part of the Municipality or any liability on the part of the Institution. Nevertheless, permission to use the “Venezia 1600 anni” logo will be revoked if the logo is used for any activity that has not been specifically or expressly outlined in the application, if it is used improperly, if it is used for procedures or purposes other than those that have been authorized and/or if the logo is used in any such way that adversely affects the image or reputation of the Institution.  Moreover, the Municipality of Venice also reserves the right to take legal action or any action necessary to prevent the logo from being used in any other or improper way and to seek compensation for any economic damage suffered as a result thereof or damage to the Organization’s reputation and/or image. When submitting your proposal, it is understood that the terms and conditions of use of the logo are fully accepted.

6. Data processing

The personal data of all applicants will be processed by the Municipality of Venice and the Steering Committee and may be disclosed to other partner entities for the instrumental activities that are essential to the implementation of the activities related to in this notice, without prejudice to the rights referred to in Articles 15 et seq. of EU Regulation 2016/679. 

Fill in the form